Reliable Push-to-Talk communication for search and rescue teams
Rely on receiving help when needed
Smart hearing protection with Bluetooth & Push-to-Talk
Stay safe and connected on site with Voxear and GroupTalk
Push-to-Talk simplifies the work of Missing People Sweden
Missing People's search efforts for missing persons are streamlined with GroupTalk
Norwegian upgrades to PTT over Cellular using GroupTalk
Norwegian's new communication solution: GroupTalk Push-to-Talk (PTT)
Instant team communication with Jabra Perform 75
Seamless Push-to-Talk communication for dynamic retail teams
New pop-out Feature Available in PC Dispatch 2
We are excited to introduce one of the most requested features in Dispatch 2
New Feature in GroupTalk Dispatcher: Alert Text Messaging
Clarity in Critical Situations
November 2024 price lists for hardware are now available
Updated price lists available in Knowledge Base
Jabra Perform 45 now supported by GroupTalk walkie talkie app
Seamless group communication with Push to Talk app and Jabra bluetooth headsets
Walkie Talkie in Smartphone - streamlines the work of restaurant and event staff
Festive celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's dinner are approaching
GroupTalk for iOS 18 with Apples updated PTT framework
Dynamic Island on iOS 18 now has a new look for GroupTalk users
5G Radio for group communication, personal alarm and live video streaming
IS440.1 from MOBILE ensures secure and easy-to-use two-way radio communication
When natural disaster strikes - Efficient group communication is critical
Unforeseen events in a changing world
Next level of group communication in hazardous areas
High-performance industrial 5G Smartphone IS540 for work in ATEX zone 1/21
Improve workplace communication with two way radio in your smartphone
Use your smartphone and earmuff, e.g. 3M Peltor WS Alert X for efficient team communication
Push to Talk or Personal alarm from one button
Our new Push to Talk accessory with IP67 certification
TimeWinder stops time with GroupTalk
TimeWinder uses GroupTalk for collaboration during its nostalgia event in Denmark
5G connected offshore & onshore workers with GroupTalk
The oil and gas industry is embracing technology for efficiency and safety
The World’s largest electric vehicle range test, benefitting from GroupTalk
Collaboration with Push to Talk between test drivers and rescue teams
GroupTalk is a member of Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Association
The DMR Association is an organization that works to promote and develop the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) standard
Smart-Ex 03 smartphone with 5G for work in ATEX areas
Next level of digitalization in hazardous areas with 5G - watch video below
Search and Rescue Sweden's search missions with the help of GroupTalk
Search and Rescue (SAR) Sweden is a voluntary organization that has been in existence since 2010
Modern PTT technology for the Taxi Industry
Increased safety in the taxi industry with GroupTalk PTT
GroupTalk as a Fallback Solution for the Dutch Police
GroupTalk C2000 Fallback enables PTT in critical situations when C2000 TETRA have problems
Simplified Bluetooth Pairing with QR Codes in GroupTalk App
GroupTalks QR feature streamlines Push to Talk Accessory Pairing and Reduces Misconnections
GroupTalk for iOS 17 with Apples new PTT framework
A different User Experience on iPhone and iPad!
USB-C Headset for Push to Talk with GroupTalk
Product News: Enhanced Push to Talk User Experience with USB-C Headset and GroupTalk App
Product News - GroupTalk Bluetooth Multi PTT Button
GroupTalk Push to Talk, Panic Alarm and Queue features from one PTT accessory
GroupTalk and Flash Connectivity Group in partnership
GroupTalk and Flash Connectivity Group join forces for Push to Talk customers in Netherlands
PTT in retail
A good and secure customer experience is one of the main goals in retail and shopping centers. This is achieved today through the use of modern communication and security cloud services.
June 2023 license price lists are now available
Updated license price lists available in Knowledge Base
GroupTalk Full Duplex, Group Locking and Patching
Explore our product news - Full Duplex, Group Locking and Patching
Fifth Generation mobile network: 5G
Every ten years or so we have seen a new generation (1G/2G/3G/4G) of mobile networks being launched. Recently 5G mobile networks have started to roll out across the globe.
Push to Talk services for the Transportation industry
The transport industry focuses on business benefits through high-tech solutions
GroupTalk in the Rig Industry - Oil, Gas and Wind mills
Offshore industry - Communication is critical to safety & efficiency
Aviation industry embraces modern PTT technologies
The aviation industry embraces our modern PTT technology GroupTalk for more coordinated and efficient turnaround processes.
GroupTalk Panic Alarm
Feel safe at work with GroupTalk - We offer a comprehensive and flexible panic alarm system configurable to meet your company's needs.
GroupTalk with 3M Peltor
GroupTalk is compatible with various Push to Talk accessories, 3M PELTOR WS ProTac XPI is one of these
Is the use of an iPhone in an explosive environment possible?
The oil and gas, mining, pharmaceutical and food industries all have one thing in common, explosive environments.
A success story together with Silva Green Fuel
From wood chips to fuel. Research and development within new energy is important in a polluted world - short of energy and an over production of waste.
Try GroupTalk Push to Talk for free!
Improved communication at your workplace with Push to Talk
Text Messaging in GroupTalk is a great complement to PTT
Text Messaging is a new feature in GroupTalk that allows all GroupTalk clients (Android, iOS and PC Dispatch) to communicate using text.
GroupTalk - Ecom Smart-Ex02 Smartphone
Explosion-proof devices for ATmosphere EXplosible (ATEX) zone 1 and 2
New and improved GroupTalk PC Dispatch version 2
The new GroupTalk PC Dispatch is a major leap forward in terms of user interface, flexibility and features.
Watch our new GroupTalk PC Dispatch version 2 video below and see how it works in action!
Modern PTT technology for the Security industry
The security industry benefits from new Push to Talk technology
Construction firms gets global reach and increased safety with PTT
In most regions of the world, construction workers are among the most exposed personnel for accidents, costly in both human and nancial assets. Instant communication and personal alarm can reduce the number of accidents and improve relief efforts.
Ecom RSM-Ex 01 BT Zone 2 ATEX is available for GroupTalk users
Within the oil and gas industry, it is required that workers have a specially adapted communication device for explosive environments
Five digitalization trends in IT and communications
Continued digitization of documentation and mobile workforces...
Communication by tone signals
In some situations when you need to be very discreet, voice communication may not be the best solution
New panic alarm feature
Alarm monitoring, also known as “listen-in” enables central dispatchers...
New Bluetooth RSM with excellent value
New feature rich and ease to use Bluetooth Remote Speaker Mic (RSM) for GroupTalk users with iOS and Android devices.
GroupTalk is a member of SäkerhetsBranschen
SäkerhetsBranschen is an association that brings together actors in the security industry to initiate, visualise, create opinion and drive value-creating security issues in a forum for a safer and more secure Sweden.