GroupTalk Support

best walkie talkie app in app store

As a GroupTalk customer you can log into the Knowledgebase to get access to more information. You can also find more information about GroupTalk on our YouTube channel.

Get Started

GroupTalkers - download the GroupTalk app and get started! Don't have a GroupTalk account? Create a GroupTalk account for free here!

iPhones and iPads are supported by GroupTalk. Download below!

Download on the App Store 

Android smartphones and tablets such as Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Zebra, Sonim and others are supported by GroupTalk. Download below!

Get it on Google Play

GroupTalk App Users on Smartphone

Follow the steps below to download, log in and start communicating:

  1. Download the GroupTalk app in App Store or Google Play
  2. Login to the app using “SMS” or “Email”. Enter your phone number in international format or the Work Email that you entered in the sign up form.
  3. You will now receive an sms or email from GroupTalk with a login code. Enter the code in the GroupTalk app and click on login. 
  4. Allow the questions about Bluetooth and Microphone use. 
  5. Click on “Select Group” in the app and select the PTT group you want to communicate in.
  6. Setup complete! You can now communicate with your colleagues in GroupTalk. Press and hold the PTT button at the bottom of the screen while talking.

For more detailed information - watch relevant video below!

Video for iOS users

Video for Android users

GroupTalk Web Admin Users on PC

Follow the steps below to log in and add users:

  1. Go to in your browser and login by using “EMAIL”. Enter your Work Email that you entered in the sign up form.
  2. You will now receive an email from GroupTalk with a login code. Enter the code in the webform and click on login. 
  3. Add your colleagues that you want to communicate with in GroupTalk by selecting “Users” in the menu on the left. 
  4. Click on the “plus icon” in the top right corner to add a colleague.
  5. Enter your colleagues “User information”. Minimum to fill in is Name, License duration and User categories. Click “Create”. 

    Note: For smartphone users it is recommended to fill in the field for Phone number (in international format that starts with “+”) to facilitate the login process in the GroupTalk app using SMS authentication and the field for Email to be able to send your colleague a introduction email.
  6. Setup complete! Now, you can easily add as many colleagues as you want to communicate with in GroupTalk.

For more detailed information about adding users - watch the video below!

Video for Adding Users


Follow the steps below to add PTT groups:

  1. Go online in GroupTalk Web Admin at
  2. Add PTT groups by selecting “PTT groups” in the menu on the left. 
  3. Click on the “globe with a plus” icon in the top right corner to create a PTT group.
  4. Enter a name and click on “CREATE”.
  5. Select which User Categories should have access to this PTT group. Repeat the process for each PTT group you want to add.  

For more detailed information about PTT Groups - watch the video below!

Video about PTT Groups


Follow the steps below to design User Categories: A User Category is a central concept in GroupTalk, that provides the same type of Users with a specific set of resources, such as PTT groups, private call, panic alarm, etc. 

  1. Read through this 1 page pdf to understand the concept User Categories.
  2. Go online in GroupTalk Web Admin at
  3. Add User Categories by selecting “User categories” in the menu on the left.
  4. Click on the “card with a plus” icon in the top right corner to create a User Category.
  5. Enter a name and:

    - “Add role” Mobile if it is a User category for Mobile users.
    - “Add role” Admin if it is a User category for Admin users.
    - “Add role” Dispatcher if it is a User category for Dispatch users.

    And click “CREATE”.

For more detailed information about User Categories - watch the video below!

Video about User Categories

The GroupTalk app

GroupTalk is available for smartphones and tablets with Android version 5.0 and iOS 12 and higher.

GroupTalk offers a easy and secure Push to Talk app tailored for businesses seeking reliable group communication and emergency response solutions. This introductory video showcases how our app can streamline communication in your workplace, ensuring swift and effective coordination during critical situations.

Discover essential features such as Select Group, Scan Group, Contacts for Private Call, Text Messages, Repeat Last Message, and more, designed to enhance team collaboration and emergency response efficiency.

The GroupTalk features accessible by the user are controlled from the web admin. Therefore different users may have access to different features and correspondingly the buttons visible in the GroupTalk app may change.

Hardware for Push to Talk

In order to get the best user experience from the GroupTalk service it is recommended that you get appropriate Push to Talk hardware. 

Use your own Smartphone

More and more organizations provide smartphones to their employees. Using these smartphones for multiple work tasks is often an easy decision to increase efficiency cost effectively. 

However, in order to get the best user experience from GroupTalk on your smartphone or tablet it is recommended that you add a bluetooth Push to Talk button or a remote speaker mic. The benefit is that you can keep your smartphone in your pocket and use the accesory to activate PTT in the app.

Bluetooth Push to Talk button SKU 502, 509 & 508

The most cost effective solution is to use your existing bluetooth or wired headset or hands free in your car in combination with a Bluetooth PTT button. SKU 508 has buttons for PTT, Personal Alarm and Function button that can be mapped to Repeat last message, Queue, Silent mode or any other feature that you prefer.

Video: Bluetooth PTT Button SKU 509

Video: Bluetooth Multi PTT Button SKU 508 video

Bluetooth Push to Talk Button / panic alarm button / personal alarm button

Bluetooth Push to Talk Button / panic alarm button / personal alarm button

Bluetooth multi Push to Talk Button / panic alarm button / personal alarm button


Push to Talk headset SKU 510+515 & 530

There are headsets with a dedicated PTT button and a dedicated media button for phone calls. Some headsets even have swapable earpieces depending on if you prefer acoustic airtube, G-hook or in-ear earpiece. 

Video: USB-C PTT headset SKU 530


Push to Talk Headset

USB-C push to talk headset


Bluetooth RSM with PTT and personal alarm SKU 547

Some users prefer the traditional Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) for Push to Talk. Such RSM products are now avaialable with bluetooth and can be paired with your smartphone. 

It has buttons for PTT, Personal Alarm and Function button that can be mapped to Repeat last message, Queue, Silent mode or any other feature that you prefer. 

Video: Bluetooth RSM SKU 547

Bluetooth RSM with PTT, personal alarm and QR code scanning SKU 550

To simplify and enhance the pairing process, we at GroupTalk have developed a feature in the GroupTalk app that allows you and your colleagues to use QR codes to pair Bluetooth PTT accessories.

The process is simple:
Go online in GroupTalk. Quickly and easily scan the QR code on the RSM using your phone's camera or scanner. Done!

It has buttons for PTT, Personal Alarm and Function button that can be mapped to Repeat last message, Queue, Silent mode or any other feature that you prefer. 

Video: Bluetooth RSM with QR code SKU 550

Bluetooth Remote Speaker Microphone for PTT

Bluetooth Remote Speaker Microphone for PTT with QR code pairing


Bluetooth Push to Talk headset with mic SKU 546 & 565

Discreet and elegant headsets with PTT and Phone functionality / function button. Support for Android and iOS. 3.5mm jack connector for earpiece.

ptt bluetooth headset

bluetooth ptt button with mic


Peltor WS ProTac XPI headset

The GroupTalk app for Android (version 3.6.23 or later) or iOS (version 3.4.20 or later) supports the bluetooth PTT button on the Peltor WS ProTac XPI headset. 

Note that iOS users require the Protac XPI headset with firmware 1.3.3 or later in order for the PTT button to work.

Video: Peltor WS ProTac XPI

You can also use your existing earmuff / headset and add a Push to Talk button so that you and your colleagues can communicate in groups through GroupTalk. 

Video: Peltor with an added PTT button

PC Dispatch

The GroupTalk PC Dispatch is used in Operations and Emergency Centers. In order to get the best user experience it is recommended that the PC or Mac is equipped with a USB desktop microphone with Push to Talk or a USB footpedal for PTT.

Desktop microphone with PTT button for command and control SKU 714

GroupTalk PC dispatch users can benefit from a desktop microphone with built in speaker and dedicated PTT button,  volume control, connector for headset. The mic connects to the PC via USB.

Click to watch USB desktop mic SKU 714 video! 

Desktop microphone for GroupTalk PC Dispatch with PTT button

Foot pedal for Push to Talk SKU 731 and 732

Some users are very busy using their hands on the PCs keyboard and mouse, working in different applications and can benefit from controlling the PTT using a footpedal that connects to the PC via USB. 

Footpedal to command and control center Foot pedal push to talk for PC Dispatch
USB PTT Button SKU 715, 723, 724 & 725

Models with 1-2-3 or 4 buttons available for efficient communication in multiple PTT groups.
USB PTT Button for PC Dispatch

Dedicated PTT devices

GroupTalk radios such as the GT14, GT23 and GT24 are two way radio type of devices, but with additional features.

We also have a dedicated Push to Talk Smartphone GT31 with a personal alarm button. See images below. 

For GroupTalk users who communicate a lot, it can be good to supplement with a dedicated Push to Talk device. GroupTalk users can have a mix of smartphones (Android and iOS), dedicated PTT devices and PC Dispatch.

Dedicated PTT devices typically have physical buttons for PTT, personal alarm, queue to distpatch, channel select, etc. Which makes the collaboration very efficient. Additionally these devices typically are a bit more rugged for outdoor use and come with high capacity battery.


GroupTalk Radio GT14 SKU 140 with desktop charger SKU 141

GroupTalk Radio GT23 SKU 230 with desktop charger SKU 231
GT14 two way radio Two way radio gt23
GroupTalk Radio GT24 SKU 240 with desktop charger SKU 241GroupTalk Smartphone GT31 SKU 310
gt24 two way radio Smartphone for push to talk communication

Dedicated PTT devices can be provided with accessories, such as:

Remote Speaker Microphone
SKU 180
Acoustic listen only headset
SKU 708
Push to Talk headset SKU 181
Remote speaker microphone for push to talk communicationHeadset for push to talkPTT headsets

There is an increasing number of PoC radios / phones / smartphones available in the market and some models work better with GroupTalk than others. 

If there is a particular Push to Talk phones model that you are interested to use, it is a good idea to check with GroupTalk if that model has been tested. 

GroupTalk vehicle radio with PTT GT61 SKU 808
For certain industries, fixed vehicle mounted units are preferable, for example radio stations for trucks and buses. GroupTalk offers two different configurations with excellent sound quality and coverage.

vehicle mounted units with Remote Speaker Microphone and panic alarm

Radio Bridge

radio bridge, crosslink between smartphone and two way radio

Connect two way radio systems to GroupTalk

Some customers need to continue using their Tetra, UHF, VHF, DMR radio systems. From a practical and economic perspective it can be wise to look into deploying a GroupTalk radio bridge. This provides a cost effective solution that combines the existing two way radios with smartphones and PCs, a solution without range limitations.

GroupTalk Radio Gateway

The GroupTalk Radio Gateway is a solution for customers using Push to Talk (PTT) that have two way radios and need an easy way to temporarily connect the radios with GroupTalk mobile app on Android / iOS smartphones or PC Dispatch users.

The solution uses the 4G / 5G internet connection in the Android device and the gateway is powered by the Android device via USB-C. The handheld radio obviously has a built-in battery, resulting in a solution that is portable and perfect for temporary projects.

Click to watch GroupTalk Radio Gateway video!

GroupTalk video tutorials

Explore this section with video tutorials to get the most from the GroupTalk services

Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge, our instructional videos will guide you step by step in maximizing the use of GroupTalk's powerful platform for seamless group communication. Learn the best practices, tips, and tricks from the experts and start reaping the benefits of increased productivity and collaboration that GroupTalk offers.