About GroupTalk

GroupTalk's mission is to provide market leading real-time group collaboration and safety services for enterprise customers to increase the efficiency and safety of their mobile workforce.

GroupTalk has its roots in Fjord Network AB, a company founded in 2001, offering net-centric telephony services to the Nordic countries. In 2006, the first commercial Push to Talk service was implemented, with Scandinavian Airlines as a customer.

The GroupTalk brand has been used since 2009.

Back then the mobile networks (originally EDGE and later 3G) was challenging, and the Windows Mobile smartphones were premature. Our main focus at the time was to make sure that a limited number of customers received the best possible service and user experience based on the devices and mobile networks that were available.

Over the following years Android and iOS emerged and matured, the performance of smartphones improved signficantly and 4G mobile networks were deployed with lower latency and improved coverage.

Meanwhile the GroupTalk engineering team was hard at work developing the Android and iOS apps, web based PC Dispatch, cloud based PTT service infrastructure and web based admin. In combination with dialin support to PTT groups from the mobile network and integration with two way radio systems over IP. 

Back in 2014 GroupTalk reached a new milestone. After a long period of testing and development we signed a contract with the leading Security Company in Europe, which is now using the service across multiple countries.

Our experience from the Aviation and Security industries, combined with the evolution in the mobile industry opened for a broader business critical service offering from GroupTalk.

You will now find GroupTalk customers in many business verticals that appreciate the the ease of use, quality and flexibility of the services provided. 

GroupTalk has a proven track record and provides enterprises grade services that can be evaluate against any two way radio or PoC solution in the market.

In a world where everyone has a smartphone and digitalization is a success factor for all businesses, it makes sense (in most cases) to add a new service to your smartphone instead of getting a new radio device. 

The close cooperation between GroupTalk and our customers in the Nordic market has resulted in a service that meets the expectations of European customers and gives us a competitive edge. 

GroupTalk is a privately owned company based in Stockholm, Sweden.

GroupTalk has two subsidiaries, GroupTalk NUF (Norskregistrert Utenlandsk Foretak) that was established in Norway in 2016 and GroupTalk Sweden Hardware AB from 2019.

We have a skilled, in house, development and support team in Uppsala, Sweden. The team is constantly developing the GroupTalk services and working with customer integration projects. 

We have a sales office in Oslo, Norway and work with selected international sales partners. 

GroupTalk memberships and certificates

AAA rating from Dun & Bradstreet

GroupTalk is a privately held company with good financial health and long-term viability. We have been in the Push to Talk over cellular business since 2006 with a great track record of enterprise customers that appreciate our services. The business is growing at a good pace with customer satisfaction and profitability as our top priority. GroupTalk has held a AAA rating since 2020. 

About three percent of all companies have the highest rating in Dun & Bradstreet's credit rating model AAA. The highest grade AAA is only awarded to public limited companies and to reach it requires that the company has been around for ten years and that the turnover is over SEK 2 million. In addition, the key figures should be above the industry average.

Branschvinnare 2022 certificate of Branschvinnare AB Largest Companies logo


Branschvinnare AB in collaboration with Largest Companies annually designates the companies that have surpassed their own industry's development in both turnover and profit. The company must also show a positive result. On average, only 15% of Sweden's limited companies are awarded the award. The industry division is based on the companies' SNI code. GroupTalk is an INDUSTRY WINNER.

SNI stands for Swedish Industry Classification and is based on the EU standard, NACE Rev.2.

Branschvinnare 2022 certificate of Branschvinnare AB Largest Companies logo


GroupTalk is a member of SäkerhetsBranschen, an association that brings together actors in the security industry to initiate, visualise, create opinion and drive value-creating security issues in a forum for a safer and more secure Sweden. The overall task of the association is to work for that the members provide good quality services with a high knowledge and act responsibly.

Säkerhetsbranschens logo

Super Company 2021 by Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet has named GroupTalk a Super Company​ - Superföretag 2021

A number of strict criteria must be met to become a Super Company. It is about increasing both sales and profit at the same time as the company must show stability and long-term perspective in the business. The criteria must be met for at least four years in a row to be included in the list.

The total number of Swedish Super Companies in 2021 is 630, which corresponds to approximately one per thousand of all Swedish companies.

Dun & bradstreet logo superföretag 2021 certificate

Critical Communication Sweden

GroupTalk is a member of CCS – “Critical Communication Sweden” that is a Swedish trade association for retailers and suppliers aimed at professional users of wireless communication. CCS was formerly called  Sveriges Kommunikations-Elektronik Företagareförening (SKEF). CCS affects the industry and the authorities by being a much sought referral organization.

Critical Communication Sweden logo

Digital Mobile Radio DMR Association

GroupTalk is a member of the Digital Mobile Radio DMR Association. The DMR Association’s mission, since 2005, has been to support the European Telecommunications Standards Institute during the DMR standardisation process. To provide the ultimate service to our members we focus on the commercial applications of DMR comprised in Tier II and Tier III.

More info here

Digital Mobile Radio DMR Association

Made In Sweden

GroupTalk is a Swedish company with the GroupTalk software development and support teams located at the Uppsala office. All software development takes place in house by our own teams (we do not use external consultants), thus Made in Sweden.

The employees have all passed a security audit made by a major international security company. GroupTalk pride us for our high standards in regards to employees and the quality of the services that we provide. The GroupTalk services are critical to many of our customers operations and they depend on the quality, reliability and ease of use of the services provided.

Made in Sweden logo

Contact Sweden

Contact Norway