Android phone with a gateway that bridges communication to a two way radio

GroupTalk Radio Gateway

May 8, 2024

Do you want to know more? Contact us here Watch the Radio Gateway video here and listen to how it sounds in real life

Can a Smartphone talk to a Two way radio?

Yes, GroupTalk smartphone users can talk to Two way radio users. The GroupTalk Radio Gateway is a solution for customers using Push to Talk (PTT) that have two way radios and need an easy way to temporarily connect the radios with GroupTalk mobile app on Android / iOS smartphones or PC Dispatch users.

The solution uses the 4G / 5G internet connection in the Android device and the gateway is powered by the Android device via USB-C. The handheld radio obviously has a built-in battery, resulting in a solution that is portable and perfect for temporary projects. 

The GroupTalk Radio Gateway is inexpensive and provides excellent value for users that need a portable solution to bridge PTT communications between smartphones and two way radios.

The solution is recommended for connecting analog radios. Note that if you have a Tetra or DMR two way radio system that you need to connect more permanently to GroupTalk there are other types of radio interfaces that are more appropriate. 

Take a look at this brilliant solution and listen to how it sounds in real life in the video below.