Connect two way radio systems to GroupTalk
Some customers need to continue using their Tetra, UHF, VHF, DMR radio systems. From a practical and economic perspective it can be wise to look into deploying a GroupTalk radio bridge. This provides a cost effective solution that combines the existing two way radios with smartphones and PCs, a solution without range limitations.
GroupTalk Radio Gateway
The GroupTalk Radio Gateway is a solution for customers using Push to Talk (PTT) that have two way radios and need an easy way to temporarily connect the radios with GroupTalk mobile app on Android / iOS smartphones or PC Dispatch users.
The solution uses the 4G / 5G internet connection in the Android device and the gateway is powered by the Android device via USB-C. The handheld radio obviously has a built-in battery, resulting in a solution that is portable and perfect for temporary projects.